Villa G's Travels and Villa Cengkeh Bali

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Plot Preparations 5

Retaining Walls

The major Balinese holidays have finished and the pace of work on the plot preparation has rocketed.  There are 40 persons working there each day now.  The crew working on the retaining walls are working in at least 3 sections simultaneously.   In the photo below you can see Susan and Roland standing where the driveway will run from left to right.  There will be a 3 meter tall wall built there that shall be about one half meter wide which will be a place for plants and vines to grow down on the wall.  As can be seen, there is a lot of earth to be moved from the left side.  It is going into fill west and north retaining walls.

The wall along the southwest side is being completed in places and the earth is being filled in.  It seems we may have more earth than needed, so trucks are taking away loads and moving to a nearby property that needs fill. The photo below in the upper right position shows the zone where water storage tanks will be located.  There will be four tanks, 5500 liters each.  Three for collecting rain water and one for well water.

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