Villa G's Travels and Villa Cengkeh Bali

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Staff Party 2016

Villa Cengkeh staff, Susan and the Kees

The Khee family: Peter, Melia, Sam, Erin, Isla, are visiting from Penang and were instrumental in a very successful party for the Villa Cengkeh staff.  Our staff are all Hindu, so the rites of Christmas festivities were a bit new, but the kids did a great job setting the tone and keeping things on the light side.

Mr. and Mrs. Buda who made the nasi kuning
In traditional Balinese style, nasi kuning (yellow rice) made by Bapak Buda of Buda Bakery was served as the main dish.  This was followed by pineapple upside-down cake made by Susan.  The nasi kuning was accompanied by seafood, meats and lots of vegetarian dishes.

After the first course, various games were organised by the Kees and a good time was had by all (Dana took photos so did not have to suffer actually being a game participant).

Things got quite for the pineapple upside-down cake

Susan baked lots of goodies for presents

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